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Writer's picturedanagricken

Meet My 29th Novel!

Hey everyone!

A new year, a new novel. That's how I see it!

(I just hope my insomnia will let me write this thing, LOL.)

Since I finished my middle grade sci-fi novel last month, I’m officially free to start my new one—THE LOVE CURSE. I don’t normally write romance, but it’s a new year and I want to challenge myself, and this romance novel has a twist.

Here’s the summary so far:

“Whoever falls in love with Emmaline Brewster will die. That was what the witch who cursed her said for refusing a duke’s hand in marriage in the 1800’s. What’s worse is she was granted immortality—and it’s a cruel fate to live forever without love.

Ever since that duke sought vengeance, Emmaline has never been able to be loved without them dying tragically—be it lover, friend, or pet. To protect others, she’s avoided people for centuries and lived alone, moving and changing her identity every few decades to cover her tracks.

To cope with her loneliness, Emmaline loves reading romance novels, especially by the up-and-coming American author Peter Devlin. When he comes to her town on a book tour, Emmaline decides to venture out into public for the first time in a while to meet him.

When he think she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, he asks her out on a date—only for Emmaline to refuse and leave. When he puts her picture on social media, asking if anyone knows her, she finally decides to contact him—if only to keep a low profile. After some reluctance, she agrees to a coffee date only for their friendship to blossom from there, and soon, she realizes she’s falling for him.

Conflicted by her desire to be with him and knowing her curse, Emmaline keeps pulling away—only for Peter to not be so easy to get rid of. Will Emmaline find a way to break a 200 year old curse and be with Peter, or is she doomed to be alone until the end of time? With Peter falling just as hard for her, she doesn’t have much time to save his life.”

Here's to new novels!

(Also, I really love the name Emmaline! It sounds so classy, and it's really rare. Maybe it'll catch on after this novel?)

I'm only one novel away from having 30 of them. Eep!

What are you working on, #WritingCommunity? Are you writing a first draft, editing, or just taking a break?



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